Lee Sora’s alleged affair Choi Donghwan Good unwavering faith

Lee Sora’s alleged affair Choi Donghwan Good unwavering faith

Lee Sora’s alleged affair Choi Donghwan Good unwavering faith


While Lee So-ra, a cast member of MBN’s “Doll Singles 3,” denied it and complained of unfairness shortly after she was embroiled in allegations of her private life, including habitual infidelity, her current lover Choi Dong-hwan also supported Lee So-ra.

Lee Sora said on the 14th, “The rumors that are currently circulating about me are not true. There were many unfair parts, but I was worried that the real-time broadcasting of adult mud fights would hurt children, and I thought it was false facts, so I didn’t take any special action so far. “But I can’t wait to see one side’s claims being reported as if they were true,” he said.

Lee So-ra said, “The reason for the divorce claimed by the person who reported that she was an acquaintance of her ex-husband is different from the truth. I have evidence to refute each one, but I hesitate to show this to grown-up children more than three years after divorce, he said. “But if this situation continues, I think I will have no choice but to respond.”

Earlier on the 13th, YouTuber Foot-and-mouth Disease assumed that she was informed through a video titled “Doll Singles Lee So-ra’s reason for divorce is habitual infidelity?” and claimed, “Everything Lee So-ra said on the broadcast is a lie, and Lee So-ra’s reason for divorce is not a hard married life.” The YouTuber also claimed that Lee did not take care of her children, stayed out often and was caught cheating on her husband. On top of that, YouTuber even released a photo of Lee So-ra claiming to have been caught in the scene of an affair, expressing shock.

In the afternoon of the day, a figure claiming to be Lee So-ra’s ex-husband’s girlfriend also appeared and aimed at Lee So-ra, saying, “It’s a story of a person who became popular by appearing in ‘Doll Singles 2’ and is currently filming ‘Doll Singles Outreaching’.” The writer also claimed that Lee So-ra appeared on the show and talked about it even before she set a date for a meeting with Lee So-ra’s ex-husband, and that her parents were unable to marry due to her appearance on the show.

The writer then said, “(Lee So-ra) made a unilateral claim that she had a hard time living in-laws, so stress and nerves became sensitive and I even came to insomnia,” adding, “The wound is too big to know the story of children going around on YouTube.” He explained, “It was also rumored to be from academy teachers and school friends, so adolescent children became more sensitive.”

Since then, Lee So-ra’s current lover, Choi Dong-hwan, has shown his unwavering affection by pressing like on Lee So-ra’s post.

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