You can’t lose weight even if you breastfeed 71kg after

You can’t lose weight even if you breastfeed 71kg after

You can’t lose weight even if you breastfeed 71kg after giving birth to a butterfly


Butterfly has become a hot topic by announcing that it will start dieting by certifying its 71kg weight.

Singer Navi wrote on her Instagram on the 23rd, “Where on earth did the saying that breastfeeding leads to weight loss? ㅠㅠ I gave birth to a baby four months ago, but why is my stomach the same and I’m starving all day to raise, so my body is getting swollen and my condition is the worst.”

“I don’t have clothes that fit, so I only borrow my husband’s boxy t-shirt, and on days I have a broadcast schedule, I only have a wide dress.” I want to go back to my old self! I start dieting before it’s too late. Please look forward to my healthy change in the future and cheer for me,” he released a photo with an article.

The released photo shows butterflies before and after childbirth. Subsequently, butterflies also prove their weight of 71kg.

Meanwhile, Navi married a one-year-old non-celebrity in November 2019 and obtained a son in May. He is also currently in charge of hosting MBC Standard FM’s “Nabi on Weekends.”

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