What do you mean NBA champions players got angry

What do you mean NBA champions players got angry

What do you mean NBA champions


NBA players got angry at the provocation of the U.S. track and field star.

Local media, including “ESPN,” introduced NBA players’ responses to the remarks of sprinter Noah Lyles, who participated in the World Athletics Championships on the 28th (Korea Standard Time)

Lyles, who won three gold medals in the 100-meter, 200-meter and 400-meter relay as a U.S. representative, later shot at the NBA in an interview with local media.

He said, “What breaks my heart the most is that the team that won the NBA Finals calls themselves ‘world champions’. What is the world champion of? The United States?” he said, expressing his dissatisfaction with the NBA champions calling them “world champions.”

“I love the United States, but isn’t the United States not the world?” We are now competing here against almost every country in the world. Each player wears a national flag on behalf of his country. However, there is no national flag in the NBA, he said.

The NBA players were furious at this. Phoenix Suns forward Kevin Durant wrote in a social media comment, “I need someone to help this brother,” while Devin Booker of the same team posted a hand-wrapped emoji.

“When it’s wrong to pretend to be smart,” Draymond Green, who has won four finals, posted.

It is true that winning the NBA is not a “world champion.” However, considering that the NBA is the world’s best basketball league and that it is a place where the best basketball players from not only the United States but also the world compete, the title of “World Champion” does not seem to be completely absurd 안전공원

Lyles, who has won six gold medals at three World Championships in Athletics, has unintentionally gained fame due to his remarks

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