U.S college team’s bizarre basketball that attempted

U.S college team’s bizarre basketball that attempted

U.S college team’s bizarre basketball that attempted 111 3-pointers alone


It’s the era of three-point shots. Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors of the National Basketball Association (NBA) caused a craze, and the Houston Rockets became the first NBA team to have more than two-point attempts in a single season with James Harden in the 2017-2018 season.

Houston and Golden State seemed to specialize in three-point shots, but they did not throw only three-point shots recklessly. By consistently attempting to score in the paint zone with high probability, he maximized his “opportunity score.”

However, a true three-point shooting unit appeared in U.S. university basketball.

According to ESPN and other U.S. sports media, Greenell University, a member of the NCAA men’s basketball third division, attempted 111 field games against Emmaus Bible College last week, all of which were three-pointers.

He didn’t try a single two-point shot. The only shot thrown by a Greenell University player inside the three-point shot line was a free throw.

A surprising result came out. Greenell University threw 111 3-pointers to make 40. It recorded a success rate of 36.0%. The average success rate of three-point shots in the 2022-2023 NBA league is 35.5%. Greenell University’s three-point ‘all-in’ efficiency was good.

Greenell University won by a wide margin, 124-67, with the exception of a three-point shot coming from a free throw.

However, 40 3-pointers are not Greenell University’s own record. Greenell University had 42 three-pointers against the same team four years ago.

As such, Greenell University is a team that often tries to destroy common sense related to scoring.

Ten years ago, a player in the basketball team at Greenell University scored 138 points in a game. CBS Sports reported at the time, “The coach wanted headlines, and Jack Taylor, who became the main character of the NCAA record, was not in a character to reject the coach’s instructions.” The team won by a wide margin, 179-104

How could a player score 138 points in a 40-minute game? Didn’t Greenell University play defense? But I did. He induced the opponent’s error with strong forward pressure. And when the opponent came over to the offensive court, he relaxed the pressure to make the shot quickly

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