Song Hye-kyo failed to laugh while walking down the street

Song Hye-kyo failed to laugh while walking down the street

Song Hye-kyo failed to laugh while walking down the street. He’s so human

Song Hye-kyo

Actress Song Hye-kyo showed off her unparalleled beauty.

On the 13th, Song Hye-kyo posted a video of her daily life.

In the video, Song Hye-kyo is walking on the street wearing a white blouse and a brown A-line long skirt. Walking with no expression, he suddenly burst into laughter as if the made-up situation was funny. The human daily life of a colorful top star gives familiarity.

Meanwhile, Song Hye-kyo appeared on Netflix’s “The Glory.” Song Hye-kyo played the role of Moon Dong-eun, a victim of terrible school violence and a character who plans revenge for both the perpetrator and the bystander

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