Bae Jung-hwa’s 15-year relationship with her husband last year

Bae Jung-hwa’s 15-year relationship with her husband last year

Bae Jung-hwa’s 15-year relationship with her husband last year is always support her.

Bae Jung-hwa's

Actor Bae Jung-hwa (36) told the news that she married her 15-year-old lover last year and said she would be active in acting along with a happy marriage.

In a telephone interview with News 1 on the 28th, Bae Jung-hwa said, “I got married last year,” adding, “My husband is a senior at Dongguk University and we have been dating for 15 years since we met in college.” Bae Jung-hwa’s husband, director Kim Jung-hyun, majored in directing at Dongguk University and is currently preparing for a movie.

“For more than 15 years since college, my husband has said “I can do it” when I want to give up because I’m having a hard time, and when I’m frustrated that I can’t act, I’m good at everything,” he said. “As a lover, as a colleague, he supported me and supported me.”

“I think the reason why we were able to meet each other for a long time is because we were able to talk more and understand more while working in the same field,” he added.

Bae Jung-hwa replaced the wedding ceremony by registering her marriage in June last year and having a simple meeting with her family and other close people. “The day I reported my marriage was 15 years ago,” he said. “One day, I thought I should get married now, so I talked about it, and I registered my marriage two weeks later.”

“I didn’t originally intend to have a wedding, but the situation was also a situation, so I simplified it,” he added.

Bae Jung-hwa will meet with viewers through KBS drama ‘Hello, It’s Me’ and OCN ‘Darkhole’, which will air in February. He said he will continue to meet active acting activities with viewers.

Bae Jung-hwa is an actress who has met with viewers through various stages such as dramas, movies, and plays. He appeared in the dramas “Voice,” “Secret of My Man,” “Priest,” and “Hatch,” and also showed his presence in the films “The Great Wish” and “The Witness.”

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