NewJeans Minji, first love iKON…Unrivaled visuals

NewJeans Minji, first love iKON…Unrivaled visuals

NewJeans Minji, first love iKON…Unrivaled visuals

NewJeans Minji

NewJeans Minji showed off her unrivaled visuals.

A Unisex casual brand has released an additional pictorial with the group NewJeans.

This pictorial produced a cool vintage mood in the 1980s and 90s, featuring styling and matching seasonal outerwear and knitwear, focusing on “Jean,” which became the motif of News Jeans.

NewJeans matched low-rise oversized chin wide denim pants, utility detail cargo denim pants, gradation washed denim pants with hooded zip-up, baseball jacket, and knit cardigan to create a free-spirited and hip atmosphere.

Minji showed off her preppy mood by styling a square-neck sweater with a checkered fringe skirt, while Hani created a hip style with a cropped cardigan top and oversized denim pants.

Daniel matched a zip-up cardigan highlighted in color with unique denim skirt pants layered with skirts, while Harin perfectly pulled off American vintage and street mood with a baseball jacket and oversized cargo denim. Hye-in solved “Jeans” in a way that highlights each member’s individuality, such as matching velvet hooded zip-up with wide denim pants.

Meanwhile, NewsGins is making a desperate move, achieving 1 million YouTube subscribers in about three months after its debut on the 19th.

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