Kim Doyeon’s sensual eyes completely mature

Kim Doyeon’s sensual eyes completely mature

Kim Doyeon’s sensual eyes completely mature

Kim Doyeon's

Singer and actor Kim Do-yeon’s pictorial has been released.

Kim Do-yeon recently had a photo shoot and interview with the fashion magazine Harper’s Bazaar

Under the theme of Shapes of Seduction, the pictorial captured 25-year-old Kim Do-yeon, who stood in front of the camera with sensual eyes and attitude. It is characterized by the emphasis on maturity with thick makeup and rich hairstyles.

In particular, the long and thin silhouette and Kim Do-yeon’s long and thin body, which is difficult for anyone to pull off, formed a fantastic combination, enhancing the completeness of the pictorial.

A pictorial featuring Kim Do-yeon’s sensual appearance can be found in the April issue of Harper’s Bazaar, its website, and Instagram

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