I thought it was Yerin’s doll I’m amazed by the microfiber

I thought it was Yerin’s doll I’m amazed by the microfiber

I thought it was Yerin’s doll I’m amazed by the microfiber legs


Yerin caught the eye with her ultra-fine legs.

On the afternoon of the 12th, Yerin posted several photos with a yellow heart emoticon.

In the picture, Yeri added feminine charm by wearing a bright yellow dress. Yerin’s short hair that covers her neck is perfect. She accentuated it with flower-shaped earrings

Yerin, who showed off her legs with a short dress, caught the eye with her slim legs. The small face and slim legs were added to create a perfect doll figure.

Fans responded enthusiastically to Yerin’s photo, which even showed off her high nose.

Meanwhile, Yeri debuted at the K-pop store in 2015 with GFRIEND’s first mini album, “Season of Glass.” He released his solo album “ARIA” on May 18, 2021, a year after the team was disbanded

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