The time and cost of self-transplantation early 30s

The time and cost of self-transplantation early 30s

The time and cost of self-transplantation


Q: A woman in her early 30s. I want to have a fat transplant on my forehead. My forehead is bumpy. I want to know how long the operation takes and how much it costs. As far as I know, fat transplants only absorb and leave about 60%, so should I do it again later?

A: You’re planning a self-fat transplant because your forehead is bumpy. This is a method of collecting the patient’s belly or thigh fat and injecting it into the desired area with a syringe. To increase the attachment rate, surgery is performed using a fat moving machine called a lipochette, so you can get a more satisfactory effect.

During the first operation, more satisfactory results can be obtained by collecting a larger amount of fat and retouching. The operation takes about an hour, and depending on the degree of fat injection, surgery is performed under sleep anesthesia or general anesthesia. The cost of self-fat transplantation is about 2.5 to 3 million won.

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