Park Mi-sun Should I file a criminal complaint against…

Park Mi-sun Should I file a criminal complaint against…

Park Mi-sun Should I file a criminal complaint against the money I lost, I expressed my concern to debt collection expert.

Park Mi-sun

Park Mi-sun of “Advanced Sisters” gives advice and confides her concerns, creating a situation where she cannot laugh.

On the 10th at 9:20 p.m., a storyteller who has been misunderstood as a gangster, gangster, and loan shark for 22 years comes to “Advanced Sisters-GoMinkert Salon (co-produced by SK Broadband-MediaS).” Jang Young-ran and Kim Ho-young said, “I don’t have that image at all…I wondered.

The sender confessed, “I’ve been collecting bonds at a credit information company for 22 years,” and Park Mi-sun said, “Are you accepting the money you owe?” “I saw banners and business cards in the neighborhood,” he said, pretending to know.

In response, the sender said, “Banners or business cards are 100% illegal. “You should never call,” she warned, and Park Mi-sun`s said, “I tried to call because I was frustrated for no reason, but I couldn’t because I was afraid there would be an article because I was connected to the gangster.”

Park Mi-sun`s then asked seriously, “Can you accept the money I lost?” and the sender replied, “My best job is to receive the money I lost,” making Park Mi-sun excited. Park Mi-sun began the consultation by even using professional words, saying, “Do I have to have an IOU to get money?” In addition, Park Mi-sun became rapidly serious, saying, “Should I file a criminal complaint if I don’t give it to her because I don’t have money even though the court.

In response, Jang Young-ran said, “Who is it? I’ll accept it!” and Kim Ho-young also added, “This is enough for me to step up.” However, when Jang Young-ran soon said to Park Mi-sun`s “Why are you consulting with a guest?” the sender said, “I’ll give you my business card,” touching Park Mi-sun.

Meanwhile, the counseling talk show “Advanced Sisters” can be watched on SK Broadband’s Btv Cable No. 1 and Channel S.

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