My ex-husband eats me up Lee A-young said in a rash explanation

My ex-husband eats me up Lee A-young said in a rash explanation

My ex-husband eats me up Lee A-young said in a rash explanation I hope there’s no misunderstanding


Lee A-young captured an article reporting her remarks on Instagram on the 23rd, saying, “It was careless to see the articles and broadcasts,” pointing to her ex-husband, “He definitely had many good parts, but I think the difficult moments have been highlighted in many media outlets.”

“I apologize to those who will be hurt by my carelessness once again, and I hope there will be no excessive misunderstanding,” Lee A-young said. “My ex-mother-in-law is a really good person and she is raising me well with child love.”

Lee A-young said, “They were both very young, and since they were raising and living alone in a foreign country where there were no family or friends, even a small word was very big. It wasn’t wrong, it was just different.” “I hope we are happy now, so please refrain from malicious comments or speculation.”

On the 22nd of the comprehensive programming channel MBN “Doll Singles,” a scene where a couple of Lee A-young and Choo Sung-yeon met Lee A-young’s friends was broadcasted.

Lee A-young was hurt when Choo Sung-yeon was away while talking to her friends (with her ex-husband). Because the horse is too strong. He didn’t even say “eat” but “eat.” “I had to talk to him, but I was hurt when I talked to him.” This is an explanation for such remarks.

▲ Lee A-young’s Instagram expert.

I was careless when I saw the articles and the broadcast.
He definitely had a lot of good parts, but I think the difficult moments from my perspective have been highlighted in many media outlets.

I apologize again to those who will be hurt by my carelessness, and I hope there will be no excessive misunderstanding 여성전용마사지
My mother-in-law is a really good person and she is raising me well with her child’s love.

We were both very young and we had no family or friends, so every little thing we said was very touching.
It wasn’t wrong, it was different! Please refrain from malicious comments or speculation because we want each other to be happy now.

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