Mina disappearance fashion makes her look fatal

Mina disappearance fashion makes her look fatal

Mina disappearance fashion makes her look fatal


TWICE Mina showed off her beauty.

Mina posted several photos on her Instagram in the afternoon of the 11th.

The photo shows him showing his missing bottoms fashion.

Mina, wearing an overfit sweatshirt, showed off her sexy look with her dizzying missing bottom fashion, boasting a lovely yet innocent visual.

In another photo, his full-body shot was captured.

Mina’s fatal beauty with her cool legs made fans’ hearts flutter.

In addition, he showed off his superior proportion with his small face and long legs, causing admiration.

a South Korean singer-songwriter

She is a member of JYP Entertainment’s nine-member girl group TWICE, and is a main dancer and sub-vocalist.

The catchphrase is black swan, and the symbolic color is mint. Apart from his innocent impression, he is a member who has various cute aspects such as finding fun and sweet.

The image of the team is innocence, sadness, and dark sexiness. A member who has various charms

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